I’ve been journaling for over a decade or so but didn’t see its importance in the very beginning.

When I was a kid, I never liked the concept of a diary (I was very private). So when journaling was introduced to me in a women’s ministry group, I likened it to a diary and dismissed its significance.

At a time when we were facing some very bad financial hardships, I was praying and calling out to God for help and direction. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was supposed to journal. So, I read the Word and journaled my thoughts. Later I discovered that by reading my Bible, I became familiar with God’s voice to later know that I recognized His voice over mine or the enemy’s. So, the next time I journaled, I sought God for direction and waited to hear His response and write it down. Eventually, I was journaling my words and His, back and forth, and discovered we were in a dialogue together and that blew my mind.

The Holy Spirit would reveal Scriptures to me that ministered to me in my time of need. They became my lifeline while enduring some very tough storms. They offered hope that I desperately needed.

And when I’m under so much opposition and don’t remember the promises or victories, I can go back and see the proof. The enemy can’t steal this from me if I have it written down! This is what helped me stand strong and steadfast over the years.

Years later, I was introduced to a guideline for journaling that has proven quite effective, even for beginners.
Joys of Journaling Woman Journaling

1. Greeting: Good morning Lord!
2. Worship: Lord, I am thankful for…..
3. Confession of Attitude: (I.e. I confess that yesterday, I was irritable.)
4. Forgiveness: Ask forgiveness for that sin or any other way I’ve offended You, Lord.
5. Ask the Lord your Question: Stop, Be Still & Listen
Pray: Lord – I bind all voices of reason – my own logic, the voice of the enemy, and any other voice but Yours. I loose the voice of God and choose to listen to You alone.
6. When Finished, Ask: Lord – Is there more?

I then like to read a prophetic word at Faith Tabernacle, Elijah List,  or wherever the Holy Spirit leads me.

I encourage you…more like, strongly urge you (if I let my personality come through) to journal. How about start today?!

And if you already enjoy this great habit and tool, I’d love to hear from you. Please comment below and share your experience to encourage me and other readers.