I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Acts 2:17‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

During my quiet time this morning, the Lord led me to a word He gave me on October 24, 2022 and pressed upon my heart to share it today.
As I closed my eyes and listened for His heartbeat, I had a vision of crashing waves. I was standing on the edge of the shore and watched wave upon wave crash over my feet. And I heard the Lord say, “My glory will come crashing like the waves, steadily, over and over and over. Some waves of My Glory will be larger than others, but they’ll come crashing on the land, steadily as My Spirit is poured out on this land of the United States.

“My People – My Remnant have cried out for this movement and the time is here! Now!

“Oh watch and see. The waves of My transformation are upon you. My waves of redemption, recompense, restitution, and revival are at their breaking point.

“So get ready. Sound the alarms. It’s a clarion call to get My Church ready. Take your posts. Pray and fast and bring heaven down.

“My Glory and Spirit will go out through the people – My Remnant must be ready to minister and lead, for the pouring out of My glory is upon you.

“Yes! Sound the alarm. Make the clarion call. Rise up and proclaim the works of My hands.

“Glory is rising – wave upon wave – ready to crash in like a flood! Oh yes, these are days of rejoicing. The long-awaited time of My Glory Days is here!

So, get ready and jump in!”