I’ve been journaling for over 15 years and still find myself answering the question, “Why journal?” It’s a great question that always brings me the opportunity to share, encourage, and teach others the importance of it. Lately, the topic of journaling and its importance has come up in conversations many times over the last few months and I felt like the Holy Spirit was prompting me to update and repost my blog on the Joys of Journaling that I wrote several years ago.
My family has moved several times over the last decade and they know that there’s one tote that no one is allowed to touch except me. And that’s my bag of journals! That item is only picked up by me and put in the car by me so I know its whereabouts at all times. It’s that important! But I didn’t always understand its importance when it was first introduced to me.
When I was a kid, I never liked writing in a diary. I was very private. So when journaling was introduced to me in a women’s ministry group, I likened it to a diary and dismissed its significance.
At a time when we were facing some very difficult financial hardships, I was praying and calling out to God for help and direction but couldn’t focus on hearing Him. My mind and emotions were all over the place. One thing that was constant, was a feeling that I was supposed to journal. So, I grabbed my Bible and a notebook, read the Word, and journaled my thoughts and prayers. In faith, I wrote down what I heard in my heart. I discovered to my surprise that I was able to focus my thoughts and actually felt better when I was finished.
Since the Bible is His Word, I became familiar with God’s voice by reading my Bible daily. This in turn helped me recognized His voice over mine or the enemy’s. So, the next time I journaled, I sought God for direction and waited to hear His response, and then wrote it down with much more confidence that I heard Him. Eventually, I was journaling my words and His, back and forth, and discovered we were in a dialogue together and that blew my mind.
The Holy Spirit would reveal Scriptures to me that ministered to me in my time of need. They became my lifeline while enduring some very tough storms. They offered hope that I desperately needed.
Journaling also gave me a permanent record of important things to remember, like promises and victories that I can go back to. The enemy can’t steal this from me if I have it written down! This is what helped me stand strong and steadfast on His promises over the years, even when I couldn’t see them materialize yet.
More recently over the last 2 years, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to create online journals but had me start by typing from past journals. At first, I thought this was a waste of my time and sadly procrastinated until one day I was searching for a Rhema word from the Lord and couldn’t for the life of me find it in my written journals. That got my attention! So I repented and asked the Lord where He wanted me to begin typing my journals online. What a great experience this has been!
As life throws so much at us, I found I forgot most of what I wrote down! By typing these passages online, I was not only able to recount them, but I also discovered or rediscovered things that ministered to me or guided me for current situations. It also provided a great opportunity to search and find, which was something I couldn’t do with my written journals.
Here are some simple steps to take while journaling:
1. Greeting: Good morning Lord!
2. Worship: Lord, I am thankful for…..
3. Confession of Attitude and Forgiveness: (I.e. I confess that yesterday, I was irritable. Please forgive me.)
4. Pray: Lord – I bind all voices of reason – my own logic, the voice of the enemy, and any other voice but Yours. I loose the voice of God and choose to listen to You alone.
5. Ask the Lord your Question: (It can be a specific question you’re seeking direction for or one of my favorites, “What’s on Your heart today, God?” and let Him lead!)
6. Stop, Be Still & Listen (Don’t rush the process. In faith, trust He will answer you.)
“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Luke 11:10
“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” – James 1:5
7. When Finished, Ask: Lord – Is there more? (This one question has filled more pages in my journal than I could have ever imagined because it allowed God to share so much more with me since I was willing to ask and give Him the time.)
I encourage you…more like, strongly urge you (if I let my personality come through) to journal. How about start today?!
And if you already enjoy this great habit and tool, I’d love to hear from you. Please comment below and share your experience to encourage me and others.
Oh, I love this! A reminder that I need to start journaling again. Thanks for the reminder and the steps/tips.