The Lord recently brought me back to a vision and word He gave me in May of 2023. He highlighted it as a NOW word to send out immediately. As I leaned back to listen to Jesus’ heartbeat, I had an image of a heart beating in front of me and saw bright white light emanating from it. I could barely see as I walked into the light and allowed it to fully encompass me.
Instantly Jesus and I shot into the heavens, traveling like a comet shooting in the sky. I saw mountains full of lush greenery, beautiful blue, crystal clear water, and straw huts sitting on stilts over the water. I then saw a woman on her knees, bowing low with her little children following her lead, who were bowing around her. I then saw several other people in a small crowd walking on a path towards them. Several wore masks and some even wore a headdress. As they approached the mom and her children, the crowd shouted angrily as they lifted the rods in their clenched hands. I then saw the mom and children, pray on their knees, fully surrendered to the Lord. And suddenly, each of the angry mob members were removed, swiftly, as if they were plucked out of thin air. I immediately heard in my spirit, “the fervent prayers of a righteous person avails much!”
I asked Jesus why He showed me this vision and He replied, “This woman did not rely on anything but the miraculous move of the Holy Spirit to bring deliverance to her and her children. All her faith was in Me to hear and answer her and her children’s prayers, her effective fervent prayers. Too many of My Children rely on other methods. Many pray in My name yet have a back up plan ready and then wonder why they don’t see a mighty move of My hand. Yes, I will use many sources to bring My healing and deliverance as I see fit and it is up to My Children to seek My methods and directions without relying on their back up plans.
“Yet, there are groups emerging, including many youth, who are rising up with eyes fixed on Me and Me alone to lead, move, and deliver. They are bringing My Presence. They are bringing the glorious and powerful move of My Spirit to their circumstances and to their environments. Where there is effective fervent prayer of My righteous, the mighty move of My Spirit will avail much!
“Tell My people to rise, rise again, and rise above. Rise when you’re courageous and rise when you are not, for I have you and will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
“Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. For you will receive what you ask for, find what you’re looking for, and the door will be opened to you.
“Keep your ear pressed to My heartbeat for you. Follow My lead and command and you shall not slip or fall. I have you and am guiding you. Can you see My outstretched hand reaching out to you, to grab hold of? It is time for the clarion call to rise again and rise above – to direct your efforts where I am leading you. Therefore, your focus must be keenly on Me. This will require you to lay down what is no longer necessary in this season and pick up the tools of warfare I am directing you to. Your weapons and methods of prior seasons will not work in this new era.
“Know My season and what I am calling you to in this hour. Seek Me first. Know My heartbeat. Let go and grab hold. The time is now.
Can You see My move? It’s already begun. Can you see Me in the waiting? Can you see Me in your circumstances? Can you see Me in the fight? I am here. I will not leave you nor forsake you. For I am mighty to save and deliver.
“My promises will not return void. They will accomplish everything I set them out to do. Victory is yours for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Hold fast. My mighty hand of deliverance is upon you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
What a timely word!! I so appreciate your being obedient to sharing the message you were given. It was so encouraging and a great reminder of God’s faithfulness.